Scene Storm
Scene Storm - Volume 1.iso
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703 lines
xdef _chunky2planar
; peterm/adaptive.s
; Combines peterm/chunky4.s and jmccoull/blitter4pass.s
; The blitter works on the top portion of the display at the same time as
; the CPU converts the bottom portion.
; The blitter has completely finished before the routine returns.
; Both parts of every call are timed using the EClock.
; The partition point is recalculated at the end of the call in an attempt
; to keep the two routines taking about the same amount of time.
; The following formula is used:
; n_blit = n * t_cpu * n_blit / (t_blit * n_cpu + t_cpu * n_blit)
; where:
; n is the total number of 32-byte units (i.e, width*height/32)
; n_blit is the number of 32-byte units above the partition
; n_cpu is the number of 32-byte units below the partition (=n-n_blit)
; t_blit is the time taken by the blitter in EClock units
; t_cpu is the time taken by the cpu in EClock units
; ECS Agnus required (for long blits)
bltcpt equ $048
bltbpt equ $04c
bltapt equ $050
bltdpt equ $054
bltsizv equ $05c
bltsizh equ $05e
cleanup equ $40
_LVOReadEClock equ -60
; chunky2planar: (new Motorola syntax)
; a0 -> chunky pixels (in FAST RAM)
; a1 -> plane0 (assume other 7 planes are allocated contiguously)
; a5 = TimerBase
; a6 = GfxBase
width equ 320 ; must be a multiple of 32
height equ 200
pixels equ width*height
plsiz equ (width/8)*height
section code,code
_chunky2planar: movem.l d2-d7/a2-a6,-(sp)
; save parameters
movea.l #mybltnode,a2
move.l a0,(chunky-mybltnode,a2)
move.l a1,(plane0-mybltnode,a2)
move.l a5,(timerbase-mybltnode,a2)
move.l a6,(gfxbase-mybltnode,a2)
; copy pixels_blit from chunky to buff0 (from FAST to CHIP) for the blitter
movea.l (chunky-mybltnode,a2),a0
movea.l #buff0,a1
move.l (pixels_blit-mybltnode,a2),d0
movea.l (4).w,a6
jsr (_LVOCopyMemQuick,a6)
; read the start time
lea (starttime-mybltnode,a2),a0
movea.l (timerbase-mybltnode,a2),a6
jsr (_LVOReadEClock,a6)
; start the blitter in the background
st (waitflag-mybltnode,a2)
movea.l a2,a1
movea.l (gfxbase-mybltnode,a2),a6
jsr (_LVOQBlit,a6)
; compute starting parameters for the CPU routine
move.l #plsiz,d0
sub.l (plsiz_blit-mybltnode,a2),d0
lsr.l #2,d0
move.w d0,-(sp) ; outer loop counter on stack
move.l (chunky-mybltnode,a2),a0
adda.l (pixels_blit-mybltnode,a2),a0 ; offset into chunky
move.l (plane0-mybltnode,a2),a1
adda.l (plsiz_blit-mybltnode,a2),a1 ; offset into plane
lea (buffers-mybltnode,a2),a3 ; a3 -> buffers
iflt 4*plsiz-4-32768
adda.w #3*plsiz,a1 ; a1 -> plane 3
iflt 2*plsiz-4-32768
adda.w #1*plsiz,a1 ; a1 -> plane 1
; set up register constants
move.l #$0f0f0f0f,d5 ; d5 = constant $0f0f0f0f
move.l #$55555555,d6 ; d6 = constant $55555555
move.l #$3333cccc,d7 ; d7 = constant $3333cccc
lea (4,a3),a2 ; used for inner loop end test
; load up address registers with buffer ptrs
lea (2*4,a3),a4 ; a4 -> plane2buf
lea (2*4,a4),a5 ; a5 -> plane4buf
lea (2*4,a5),a6 ; a6 -> plane6buf
; main loop (starts here) processes 8 chunky pixels at a time
; d0 = a7a6a5a4a3a2a1a0 b7b6b5b4b3b2b1b0 c7c6c5c4c3c2c1c0 d7d6d5d4d3d2d1d0
move.l (a0)+,d0 ; 12 get next 4 chunky pixels in d0
; d1 = e7e6e5e4e3e2e1e0 f7f6f5f4f3f2f1f0 g7g6g5g4g3g2g1g0 h7h6h5h4h3h2h1h0
move.l (a0)+,d1 ; 12 get next 4 chunky pixels in d1
; d2 = d0 & 0f0f0f0f
; d2 = ........a3a2a1a0 ........b3b2b1b0 ........c3c2c1c0 ........d3d2d1d0
move.l d0,d2 ; 4
and.l d5,d2 ; 8 d5=$0f0f0f0f
; d0 ^= d2
; d0 = a7a6a5a4........ b7b6b5b4........ c7c6c5c4........ d7d6d5d4........
eor.l d2,d0 ; 8
; d3 = d1 & 0f0f0f0f
; d3 = ........e3e2e1e0 ........f3f2f1f0 ........g3g2g1g0 ........h3h2h1h0
move.l d1,d3 ; 4
and.l d5,d3 ; 8 d5=$0f0f0f0f
; d1 ^= d3
; d1 = e7e6e5e4........ f7f6f5f4........ g7g6g5g4........ h7h6h5h4........
eor.l d3,d1 ; 8
; d2 = (d2 << 4) | d3
; d2 = a3a2a1a0e3e2e1e0 b3b2b1b0f3f2f1f0 c3c2c1c0g3g2g1g0 d3d2d1d0h3h2h1h0
lsl.l #4,d2 ; 16
or.l d3,d2 ; 8
; d0 = d0 | (d1 >> 4)
; d0 = a7a6a5a4e7e6e5e4 b7b6b5b4f7f6f5f4 c7c6c5c4g7g6g5g4 d7d6d5d4h7h6h5h4
lsr.l #4,d1 ; 16
or.l d1,d0 ; 8
; d3 = ((d2 & 33330000) << 2) | (swap(d2) & 3333cccc) | ((d2 & 0000cccc) >> 2)
; d3 = a1a0c1c0e1e0g1g0 b1b0d1d0f1f0h1h0 a3a2c3c2e3e2g3g2 b3b2d3d2f3f2h3h2
move.l d2,d3 ; 4
and.l d7,d3 ; 8 d7=$3333cccc
move.w d3,d1 ; 4
clr.w d3 ; 4
lsl.l #2,d3 ; 12
lsr.w #2,d1 ; 10
or.w d1,d3 ; 4
swap d2 ; 4
and.l d7,d2 ; 8 d7=$3333cccc
or.l d2,d3 ; 8
; d1 = ((d0 & 33330000) << 2) | (swap(d0) & 3333cccc) | ((d0 & 0000cccc) >> 2)
; d1 = a5a4c5c4e5e4g5g4 b5b4d5d4f5f4h5h4 a7a6c7c6e7e6g7g6 b7b6d7d6f7f6h7h6
move.l d0,d1 ; 4
and.l d7,d1 ; 8 d7=$3333cccc
move.w d1,d2 ; 4
clr.w d1 ; 4
lsl.l #2,d1 ; 12
lsr.w #2,d2 ; 10
or.w d2,d1 ; 4
swap d0 ; 4
and.l d7,d0 ; 8 d7=$3333cccc
or.l d0,d1 ; 8
; d2 = d1 >> 7
; d2 = ..............a5 a4c5c4e5e4g5g4b5 b4d5d4f5f4h5h4a7 a6c7c6e7e6g7g6..
move.l d1,d2 ; 4
lsr.l #7,d2 ; 22
; d0 = d1 & 55555555
; d0 = ..a4..c4..e4..g4 ..b4..d4..f4..h4 ..a6..c6..e6..g6 ..b6..d6..f6..h6
move.l d1,d0 ; 4
and.l d6,d0 ; 8 d6=$55555555
; d1 ^= d0
; d1 = a5..c5..e5..g5.. b5..d5..f5..h5.. a7..c7..e7..g7.. b7..d7..f7..h7..
eor.l d0,d1 ; 8
; d4 = d2 & 55555555
; d4 = ..............a5 ..c5..e5..g5..b5 ..d5..f5..h5..a7 ..c7..e7..g7....
move.l d2,d4 ; 4
and.l d6,d4 ; 8 d6=$55555555
; d2 ^= d4
; d2 = ................ a4..c4..e4..g4.. b4..d4..f4..h4.. a6..c6..e6..g6..
eor.l d4,d2 ; 8
; d1 = (d1 | d4) >> 1
; d1 = ................ a5b5c5d5e5f5g5h5 ................ a7b7c7d7e7f7g7h7
or.l d4,d1 ; 8
lsr.l #1,d1 ; 10
move.b d1,(4,a6) ; 12 plane 7
swap d1 ; 4
move.b d1,(4,a5) ; 12 plane 5
; d2 |= d0
; d2 = ................ a4b4c4d4e4f4g4h4 ................ a6b6c6d6e6f6g6h6
or.l d0,d2 ; 8
move.b d2,(a6)+ ; 8 plane 6
swap d2 ; 4
move.b d2,(a5)+ ; 8 plane 4
; d2 = d3 >> 7
; d2 = ..............a1 a0c1c0e1e0g1g0b1 b0d1d0f1f0h1h0a3 a2c3c2e3e2g3g2..
move.l d3,d2 ; 4
lsr.l #7,d2 ; 22
; d0 = d3 & 55555555
; d0 = ..a0..c0..e0..g0 ..b0..d0..f0..h0 ..a2..c2..e2..g2 ..b2..d2..f2..h2
move.l d3,d0 ; 4
and.l d6,d0 ; 8 d6=$55555555
; d3 ^= d0
; d3 = a1..c1..e1..g1.. b1..d1..f1..h1.. a3..c3..e3..g3.. b3..d3..f3..h3..
eor.l d0,d3 ; 8
; d4 = d2 & 55555555
; d4 = ..............a1 ..c1..e1..g1..b1 ..d1..f1..h1..a3 ..c3..e3..g3....
move.l d2,d4 ; 4
and.l d6,d4 ; 8 d6=$55555555
; d2 ^= d4
; d2 = ................ a0..c0..e0..g0.. b0..d0..f0..h0.. a2..c2..e2..g2..
eor.l d4,d2 ; 8
; d3 = (d3 | d4) >> 1
; d3 = ................ a1b1c1d1e1f1g1h1 ................ a3b3c3d3e3f3g3h3
or.l d4,d3 ; 8
lsr.l #1,d3 ; 10
move.b d3,(4,a4) ; 12 plane 3
swap d3 ; 4
move.b d3,(4,a3) ; 12 plane 1
; d2 = d2 | d0
; d2 = ................ a0b0c0d0e0f0g0h0 ................ a2b2c2d2e2f2g2h2
or.l d0,d2 ; 8
move.b d2,(a4)+ ; 8 plane 2
swap d2 ; 4
move.b d2,(a3)+ ; 8 plane 0
; test if stack buffers are full, loop back if not
cmpa.l a3,a2 ; 6
bne.w mainloop ; 10 total=540 (67.5 cycles/pixel)
; move stack buffers to bitplanes (longword writes) and restore ptrs
iflt 4*plsiz-4-32768 ; a1 points into plane 3
move.l (a4),(a1)+ ; plane 3
move.l (a6),(4*plsiz-4,a1) ; plane 7
move.l -(a6),(3*plsiz-4,a1) ; plane 6
move.l (a5),(2*plsiz-4,a1) ; plane 5
move.l -(a5),(1*plsiz-4,a1) ; plane 4
move.l -(a4),(-1*plsiz-4,a1) ; plane 2
move.l (a3),(-2*plsiz-4,a1) ; plane 1
move.l -(a3),(-3*plsiz-4,a1) ; plane 0
iflt 2*plsiz-4-32768 ; a1 points into plane 1
move.l (a3),(a1)+ ; plane 1
adda.l #4*plsiz,a1
move.l (a6),(2*plsiz-4,a1) ; plane 7
move.l -(a6),(1*plsiz-4,a1) ; plane 6
move.l (a5),(0*plsiz-4,a1) ; plane 5
move.l -(a5),(-1*plsiz-4,a1) ; plane 4
suba.l #4*plsiz,a1
move.l (a4),(2*plsiz-4,a1) ; plane 3
move.l -(a4),(1*plsiz-4,a1) ; plane 2
move.l -(a3),(-1*plsiz-4,a1) ; plane 0
iflt plsiz-32768 ; a1 points into plane 0
adda.l #6*plsiz,a1
move.l (a6),(plsiz,a1) ; plane 7
move.l -(a6),(a1) ; plane 6
move.l (a5),(-plsiz,a1) ; plane 5
suba.l #3*plsiz,a1
move.l -(a5),(plsiz,a1) ; plane 4
move.l (a4),(a1) ; plane 3
move.l -(a4),(-plsiz,a1) ; plane 2
suba.l #3*plsiz,a1
move.l (a3),(plsiz,a1) ; plane 1
move.l -(a3),(a1)+ ; plane 0
move.l #plsiz,d0 ; a1 points into plane 0
adda.l #7*plsiz,a1
move.l (a6),(a1) ; plane 7
suba.l d0,a1
move.l -(a6),(a1) ; plane 6
suba.l d0,a1
move.l (a5),(a1) ; plane 5
suba.l d0,a1
move.l -(a5),(a1) ; plane 4
suba.l d0,a1
move.l (a4),(a1) ; plane 3
suba.l d0,a1
move.l -(a4),(a1) ; plane 2
suba.l d0,a1
move.l (a3),(a1) ; plane 1
suba.l d0,a1
move.l -(a3),(a1)+ ; plane 0
; check if finished, go back for more
sub.w #1,(sp)
bne.w mainloop
; CPU all done! restore stack
addq.w #2,sp ; remove outer loop counter
; find out how long it took
lea (endcputime-buffers,a3),a0
movea.l (timerbase-buffers,a3),a6 ; timerbase
jsr (_LVOReadEClock,a6)
; wait for the blitter to finish
; busy-wait (for a very short time) on FAST bus, even on a CHIP-only machine
movea.l (gfxbase-buffers,a3),a6
bra.b endwaitloop
waitloop: jsr (_LVOWaitBlit,a6)
endwaitloop: tst.b (waitflag-buffers,a3)
bne.b waitloop
; get blittime,cputime,n_blit in d2,d3,d0
move.l (endblittime+4-buffers,a3),d2
sub.l (starttime+4-buffers,a3),d2
move.l (endcputime+4-buffers,a3),d3
sub.l (starttime+4-buffers,a3),d3
move.l (n_blit-buffers,a3),d0
; branch if this is not the first time through
bset #0,(firsttimeflag-buffers,a3)
bne.b simple
; calculate new partition point for next call using formula
moveq #10,d4
lsr.l d4,d2 ; scale t_blit (avoid overflow)
lsr.l d4,d3 ; scale t_cpu
lsr.l #4,d0 ; scale n_blit
mulu d0,d3 ; d3 = n_blit*t_cpu
move.w #(pixels/32)>>4,d1 ; n (scaled)
sub.w d0,d1
mulu d2,d1 ; d1 = (n-n_blit)*t_blit
add.w d3,d1
beq.b alldone ; never divide by 0!
mulu #(pixels/32)>>4,d3 ; n (scaled)
divu d1,d3
moveq #0,d0
move.w d3,d0
lsl.l #4,d0 ; scale back n_blit
bra.b done
; simple-minded adjustment
simple: sub.l d3,d2 ; blittime-cputime
beq.b alldone ; can't do better than this
bgt.b 1$
; blittime < cputime, increase n_blit
addq.l #8,d0
cmp.l #pixels/32,d0
bcs.b done
bra.b alldone ; don't go out of range
; blittime > cputime, decrease n_blit
1$: subq.l #8,d0
bhi.b done
bra.b alldone ; don't go out of range
; save the new partition point
done: move.l d0,(n_blit-buffers,a3)
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,(plsiz_blit-buffers,a3)
lsl.l #3,d0
move.l d0,(pixels_blit-buffers,a3)
; all done!
alldone: movem.l (sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a6
; QBlit functions (called asynchronously)
blit11: moveq #-1,d0
move.l d0,(bltafwm,a0)
move.l #(8<<16)+8,(bltbmod,a0) ; also loads bltamod
move.w #0,(bltdmod,a0)
move.l #buff0,(bltapt,a0) ; buff0
move.l #buff0+8,(bltbpt,a0) ; buff0+8
move.w #%1111111100000000,(bltcdat,a0)
move.l #buff1,(bltdpt,a0) ; buff1
move.l #$0DE48000,(bltcon0,a0) ; D=AC+(B>>8)~C
move.l (pixels_blit-mybltnode,a1),d0
lsr.l #4,d0
move.w d0,(bltsizv,a0) ; pixels_blit/16
move.w #4,(bltsizh,a0) ; do blit
lea (blit12,pc),a0
move.l a0,(qblitfunc-mybltnode,a1)
blit12: move.l #buff0,d0
add.l (pixels_blit-mybltnode,a1),d0
sub.l #8+2,d0
move.l d0,(bltapt,a0) ; buff0+pixels_blit-8-2
addq.l #8,d0
move.l d0,(bltbpt,a0) ; buff0+pixels_blit-2
add.l #buff1-buff0,d0
move.l d0,(bltdpt,a0) ; buff1+pixels_blit-2
move.l #$8DE40002,(bltcon0,a0) ; D=(A<<8)C+B~C, desc.
move.w #4,(bltsizh,a0) ; do blit
lea (blit21,pc),a0
move.l a0,(qblitfunc-mybltnode,a1)
blit21: move.l #(4<<16)+4,(bltbmod,a0) ; also load bltamod
move.l #buff1,(bltapt,a0)
move.l #buff1+4,(bltbpt,a0)
move.w #%1111000011110000,(bltcdat,a0)
move.l #buff0,(bltdpt,a0)
move.l #$0DE44000,(bltcon0,a0) ; D=AC+(B>>4)~C
move.l (pixels_blit-mybltnode,a1),d0
lsr.l #3,d0
move.w d0,(bltsizv,a0) ; pixels_blit/8
move.w #2,(bltsizh,a0) ; do blit
lea (blit22,pc),a0
move.l a0,(qblitfunc-mybltnode,a1)
blit22: move.l #buff1,d0
add.l (pixels_blit-mybltnode,a1),d0
subq.l #2+4,d0
move.l d0,(bltapt,a0) ; buff1+pixels_blit-2-4
addq.l #4,d0
move.l d0,(bltbpt,a0) ; buff1+pixels_blit-2
add.l #buff0-buff1,d0
move.l d0,(bltdpt,a0) ; buff0+pixels_blit-2
move.l #$4DE40002,(bltcon0,a0) ; D=(A<<4)C+B~C, desc.
move.w #2,(bltsizh,a0) ; do blit
lea (blit31,pc),a0
move.l a0,(qblitfunc-mybltnode,a1)
blit31: move.l #(2<<16)+2,(bltbmod,a0) ; also load bltamod
move.l #buff0,(bltapt,a0)
move.l #buff0+2,(bltbpt,a0)
move.w #%1100110011001100,(bltcdat,a0)
move.l #buff1,(bltdpt,a0)
move.l (pixels_blit-mybltnode,a1),d0
lsr.l #2,d0
move.w d0,(bltsizv,a0) ; pixels_blit/4
move.l #$0DE42000,(bltcon0,a0) ; D=AC+(B>>2)~C
move.w #1,(bltsizh,a0) ; do blit
lea (blit32,pc),a0
move.l a0,(qblitfunc-mybltnode,a1)
blit32: move.l #buff0,d0
add.l (pixels_blit-mybltnode,a1),d0
subq.l #2+2,d0
move.l d0,(bltapt,a0) ; buff0+pixels_blit-2-2
addq.l #2,d0
move.l d0,(bltbpt,a0) ; buff0+pixels_blit-2
add.l #buff1-buff0,d0
move.l d0,(bltdpt,a0) ; buff1+pixels_blit-2
move.l #$2DE40002,(bltcon0,a0) ; D=(A<<2)C+B~C, desc.
move.w #1,(bltsizh,a0) ; do blit
lea (blit41,pc),a0
move.l a0,(qblitfunc-mybltnode,a1)
blit41: moveq #0,d0
move.l d0,(bltbmod,a0) ; also load bltamod
move.l #buff1,d0
move.l d0,(bltapt,a0) ; buff1+0*plsiz_blit
add.l (plsiz_blit-mybltnode,a1),d0
move.l d0,(bltbpt,a0) ; buff1+1*plsiz_blit
move.l d0,(tmp_ptr-mybltnode,a1)
move.w #%1010101010101010,(bltcdat,a0)
move.l (plane0-mybltnode,a1),d0
add.l #7*plsiz,d0
move.l d0,(bltdpt,a0) ; Plane7
move.l (pixels_blit-mybltnode,a1),d0
lsr.l #4,d0
move.w d0,(bltsizv,a0) ; pixels_blit/16
move.l #$0DE41000,(bltcon0,a0) ; D=AC+(B>>1)~C
move.w #1,(bltsizh,a0) ; do blit
lea (blit42,pc),a0
move.l a0,(qblitfunc-mybltnode,a1)
blit42: move.l (plsiz_blit-mybltnode,a1),d1
move.l (tmp_ptr-mybltnode,a1),d0
add.l d1,d0
move.l d0,(bltapt,a0) ; buff1+2*plsiz_blit
add.l d1,d0
move.l d0,(bltbpt,a0) ; buff1+3*plsiz_blit
move.l d0,(tmp_ptr-mybltnode,a1)
move.l (plane0-mybltnode,a1),d0
add.l #3*plsiz,d0
move.l d0,(bltdpt,a0) ; Plane3
move.w #1,(bltsizh,a0) ; do blit
lea (blit43,pc),a0
move.l a0,(qblitfunc-mybltnode,a1)
blit43: move.l (plsiz_blit-mybltnode,a1),d1
move.l (tmp_ptr-mybltnode,a1),d0
add.l d1,d0
move.l d0,(bltapt,a0) ; buff1+4*plsiz_blit
add.l d1,d0
move.l d0,(bltbpt,a0) ; buff1+5*plsiz_blit
move.l d0,(tmp_ptr-mybltnode,a1)
move.l (plane0-mybltnode,a1),d0
add.l #5*plsiz,d0
move.l d0,(bltdpt,a0) ; Plane5
move.w #1,(bltsizh,a0) ;do blit
lea (blit44,pc),a0
move.l a0,(qblitfunc-mybltnode,a1)
blit44: move.l (plsiz_blit-mybltnode,a1),d1
move.l (tmp_ptr-mybltnode,a1),d0
add.l d1,d0
move.l d0,(bltapt,a0) ; buff1+6*plsiz_blit
add.l d1,d0
move.l d0,(bltbpt,a0) ; buff1+7*plsiz_blit
move.l d0,(tmp_ptr-mybltnode,a1)
move.l (plane0-mybltnode,a1),d0
add.l #1*plsiz,d0
move.l d0,(bltdpt,a0) ; Plane1
move.w #1,(bltsizh,a0) ; do blit
lea (blit45,pc),a0
move.l a0,(qblitfunc-mybltnode,a1)
blit45: move.l (plsiz_blit-mybltnode,a1),d1
move.l (tmp_ptr-mybltnode,a1),d0
add.l d1,d0
subq.l #2,d0
move.l d0,(bltbpt,a0) ; buff1+8*plsiz_blit-2
sub.l d1,d0
move.l d0,(bltapt,a0) ; buff1+7*plsiz_blit-2
move.l d0,(tmp_ptr-mybltnode,a1)
move.l (plane0-mybltnode,a1),d0
add.l d1,d0
subq.l #2,d0
move.l d0,(bltdpt,a0) ; Plane0
move.l #$1DE40002,(bltcon0,a0) ; D=(A<<1)C+B~C, desc.
move.w #1,(bltsizh,a0) ; do blit
lea (blit46,pc),a0
move.l a0,(qblitfunc-mybltnode,a1)
blit46: move.l (plsiz_blit-mybltnode,a1),d1
move.l (tmp_ptr-mybltnode,a1),d0
sub.l d1,d0
move.l d0,(bltbpt,a0) ; buff1+6*plsiz_blit-2
sub.l d1,d0
move.l d0,(bltapt,a0) ; buff1+5*plsiz_blit-2
move.l d0,(tmp_ptr-mybltnode,a1)
move.l (plane0-mybltnode,a1),d0
add.l #4*plsiz-2,d0
add.l d1,d0
move.l d0,(bltdpt,a0) ; Plane4
move.w #1,(bltsizh,a0) ; do blit
lea (blit47,pc),a0
move.l a0,(qblitfunc-mybltnode,a1)
blit47: move.l (plsiz_blit-mybltnode,a1),d1
move.l (tmp_ptr-mybltnode,a1),d0
sub.l d1,d0
move.l d0,(bltbpt,a0) ; buff1+4*plsiz_blit-2
sub.l d1,d0
move.l d0,(bltapt,a0) ; buff1+3*plsiz_blit-2
move.l d0,(tmp_ptr-mybltnode,a1)
move.l (plane0-mybltnode,a1),d0
add.l #2*plsiz-2,d0
add.l d1,d0
move.l d0,(bltdpt,a0) ; Plane2
move.w #1,(bltsizh,a0) ; do blit
lea (blit48,pc),a0
move.l a0,(qblitfunc-mybltnode,a1)
blit48: move.l (plsiz_blit-mybltnode,a1),d1
move.l (tmp_ptr-mybltnode,a1),d0
sub.l d1,d0
move.l d0,(bltbpt,a0) ; buff1+2*plsiz_blit-2
sub.l d1,d0
move.l d0,(bltapt,a0) ; buff1+1*plsiz_blit-2
move.l (plane0-mybltnode,a1),d0
add.l #6*plsiz-2,d0
add.l d1,d0
move.l d0,(bltdpt,a0) ; Plane6
move.w #1,(bltsizh,a0) ; do blit
lea (blit11,pc),a0
move.l a0,(qblitfunc-mybltnode,a1)
moveq #0,d0 ; set Z flag
qblitcleanup: movem.l a2/a6,-(sp)
move.l #mybltnode,a2
lea (endblittime-mybltnode,a2),a0
move.l (timerbase-mybltnode,a2),a6
jsr (_LVOReadEClock,a6) ; may be called from interrupts
sf (waitflag-mybltnode,a2)
movem.l (sp)+,a2/a6
section data,data
buffers: dc.l 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
mybltnode: dc.l 0 ; next bltnode
qblitfunc: dc.l blit11 ; ptr to qblitfunc()
dc.b cleanup ; stat
dc.b 0 ; filler
dc.w 0 ; blitsize
dc.w 0 ; beamsync
dc.l qblitcleanup ; ptr to qblitcleanup()
chunky: dc.l 0 ; ptr to original chunky data
plane0: dc.l 0 ; ptr to output planes
pixels_blit: dc.l pixels/2 ; number of pixels handled by blitter
plsiz_blit: dc.l pixels/8/2 ; & corresponding (partial) planesize
n_blit: dc.l pixels/32/2 ; number of 32-byte units for blitter
tmp_ptr: dc.l 0
gfxbase: dc.l 0
timerbase: dc.l 0
starttime: dc.l 0,0
endblittime: dc.l 0,0
endcputime: dc.l 0,0
waitflag: dc.b 0
firsttimeflag: dc.b 0
section bss,bss,chip ; MUST BE IN CHIP !!!!!
buff0: ds.b pixels ;Intermediate buffer 1
buff1: ds.b pixels ;Intermediate buffer 1